Friday, March 8, 2013

Ever Had One of Those Weeks

where you just can't seem to accomplish anything? My lack of motivation hasn't lifted, and I almost made a huge effort today to try and catch up on all the things I didn't do all week...

...but then, I didn't.

Here's a look at my to-do list progress since Monday:

  • More string blocks (one block a day): I finished... one block. Now I have four. Still twelve more to go.

  • February's paper-pieced BOM: I actually finished this one! The Wild Goose Chase block from Quilter's Cache.

  • Flannel critter quilt: Well... here's the pattern. I haven't opened it yet.

  • Go through email: Yes! I did get that done. Hopefully I can keep it under control.

  • Bathtub caulking removal: So tedious! I'm trying to get the whole tub edge from this point:

    to this point:

    I'm about halfway around now, but I can only work on it for 20-30 minutes before I just have to get out of there. Needless to say, it's slow going. And I also have the caulking at the floor level yet to do. And then to follow up on several different suggestions for getting the remaining residue off the whole thing... bleh. I can't wait to have that bathroom done and ready to paint!

So my plan for the weekend is to finish that caulking job. And then, I have a pretty good idea what I need to do next week to pull myself out of this slump. It has to do with my very disorganized sewing room(s)...

Can you guess what it might be?