Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Fabric Finds a Home

Well, getting all the quilting fabric sorted yesterday really helped to put my space into perspective. I spent just a few minutes looking over my sorted piles today, and I could see just where everything would fit.

For the smaller pieces, I decided to make better use of my drawer carts. Now my cut scrap pieces are in the smaller upper drawers, and the lower drawers hold fabric. I even got labels on the drawers. Yeah!

The larger pieces went on two unused shelves on my bookshelf. I'm not sure I like it being out in the open like this. On the other hand, it might just inspire me to get sewing!

And the REST of my fabrics are in bins in the closet. I wonder if I can use all of this up in my lifetime???

Now I have just a few boxes of miscellaneous "stuff" to go through from my old sewing room, and my new sewing room will be set! Then it's finally time to move my desk and computer up there. Still not sure how I'm going to like that, but I'll never know unless I try, right?

I see light at the end of the tunnel...

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