Monday, February 11, 2008

The Diet: Week Five

My first reaction to this morning's weigh-in was utter frustration. I lost exactly zero pounds this week. Bleh. But then, when I look back on my week, I realize I should be grateful that I didn't gain any weight. I missed one day's workout last week, due to wearing myself out with painting and moving stuff. It's my birthday this week, so yesterday we had a get-together with my extended family -- at a buffet, of all things -- and I broke down and had a piece of lemon-filled cake with coconut frosting. Mmmm... And (hope this isn't TMI), I'm definitely retaining water right now. lol So, I'm stuck at 140, and don't expect to see much change this week, with more birthday celebrations and Valentine's day. Considering all that, I'll be lucky to maintain for another week...


Chris said...

I find it's not always about where you are, but where you have come from. I lost 50 pound, gained 20 back, but I still have to think in regards of the thirty I have yet to find *smiles* Keep up the good work, I'm jealous your even trying, I say this as I'm shoving cake into my mouth.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! and you so deserved the lemon filled cake with coconut frosting. holy schmokes! coconut cake is my most favorite! and hoo-rah for not gaining...i'm on that train myself sister. :)

Caroline said...

My own plight too!

Not a single pound down this week (though really if I was at 140 I'd be more than over the moon already - remember how these things are all relative).

But then so far all I have done is wean myself off sugar... I'm taking this slowly!

Happy Birthday whichever day it is.

Heather said...

Thanks to all of you for stopping by, and for all the encouragement! I can use all of that I can get!

Chris: You are so right! A year ago, I was 35 pounds heavier than I am now. I lost 40, "found" 15 of them, and now I'm back on the downhill slide. I just really hope to finally reach my goal this year!

Jen: Thanks so much for your compliments on my quilts. It's something I enjoy so much, and every one I've made for others seems so, so appreciated. It's a great feeling! I'll email you soon about your freelancing questions. I haven't been actively freelancing for a couple of years now (still deciding what I want to be when I grow up!) but I'd be happy to send you a few resources to get you started.

Heather Kathleen: Thanks for the birthday wishes! Coconut cake is my favorite, too, and I guess you can't deprive yourself on your birthday, right? Noooo...

Caroline: Getting off of sugar is HUGE! It's the hardest part for me, and I'm sure that alone will make a big difference. And you're right, it's all relative. I just need to think back to not so long ago and I'll feel good about 140! This last 20 pounds is stuck like Super Glue, though. Dangit! lol